Touchconverter enables multitouch use of any software on Windows multitouch computers
Our plugin allows you to pair multi-finger gestures with existing commands to use Autodesk® Navisworks® on any multitouch computer.
TouchConverter User Manual (2507 downloads )
Touch Converter – User Manual – for Navisworks Freedom Touch
- Download the installer and launch it
- Launch “touchconverter.exe” from the shortcut or from directory where you install it (the program closes automatically when you leave Navisworks)

Navisworks Freedom Touch Menu
- Green -> TouchConverter is running for the highlighted software
- Orange -> Navisworks Software hasn’t started
- Blue -> Navisworks is running but TouchConverter is not active for that version
- Red -> Navisworks isn’t running and Touchconverter is inactive on that version
- TouchConverter can be started / stopped / restarted for each version of Navisworks
- Mouse can be used after about 1s of touch inactivity.
You can then select 1 out of 3 different preset modes:
- Pan 1 => rotation (orbiting)
- Pan 2 => translation
- Pan 3 => visualization (must be manually activated in the menu)
- Pan 5 => setOrbit
- Pinch 2 => scale
- Tap 1 => selection (also activates the cursorMode)
- Tap 2 => homeView
- Tap 3 => selectionView
- Tap 4 => cursorMode (goes back to Standard Mode)
- Tap 5 => walkMode
In WalkMode => 1-finger up/down left/right | 3-fingers left/right orbit forward/backwardPress 1 => right click (menu)
- PanWithStationary (1 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanSelect
- PanWithStationary (2 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanMove
- PanWithStationary (3 stationary + 1 moved) => measure
- Pan 3 => rotation (orbiting)
- Pan 2 => translation
- Pan 1 => visualization (must be manually activated in the menu)
- Pan 5 => setOrbit
- Pinch 2 => scale
- Tap 1 => selection (also activates the cursorMode)
- Tap 2 => homeView
- Tap 3 => selectionView
- Tap 4 => cursorMode (goes back to Standard Mode)
- Tap 5 => walkMode
In WalkMode => 3-finger up/down left/right | 1-fingers left/right orbit forward/backward
- Press 1 => right click (menu)
- PanWithStationary (1 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanSelect
- PanWithStationary (2 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanMove
- PanWithStationary (3 stationary + 1 moved) => measure
- Pan 2 => rotation (orbiting)
- Pan 3 => translation
- Pan 1 => visualization (must be manually activated in the menu)
- Pan 5 => setOrbit
- Pinch 2 => scale
- Tap 1 => selection (also activates the cursorMode)
- Tap 2 => homeView
- Tap 3 => selectionView
- Tap 4 => cursorMode (goes back to Standard Mode)
- Tap 5 => walkMode
In WalkMode => 2-finger up/down left/right | 1-fingers left/right oribit forward/backwardPress 1 => right click (menu)
- PanWithStationary (1 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanSelect
- PanWithStationary (2 stationary + 1 moved) => cuttingPlanMove
- PanWithStationary (3 stationary + 1 moved) => mesure
Example with Preset 1
Once in Navisworks (Freedom/Manage/Simulate) :
Choose the navigation mode you want:
- To activate “Walk” mode at any time => 5-finger tap or touch the “Walk” icon in the panel
- To activate regular cursor mode => 1-finger tap or 4-finger tap
- To activate Pan mode => touch the “Pan” icon in the panel
Standard gestures for Navisworks Freedom Touch:
In Standard or Pan Mode :
Orbiting => 1-finger pan
Pan => 2-finger pan
Right Click => 1-finger press
Scale => 2-finger pinch
Visualization => 3-finger pan (must be activated in the menu)
Select => 1-finger tap
HomeView => 2-finger tap
SelectionView => 3-finger tap
Standard Mode => 4-finger tap or
SetOrbit => 5-finger Pan
In Walk Mode
1-finger up/down left/right same as mouse!
Measuring gestures:
Activate Measure mode in the Review panel
1. Keep 3-finger touch anywhere on the screen in the Navisworks window
2. Slide 1 finger to the desired starting point (with the little white square) then lift to select
3. Slide 1 finger to the end point then lift to select
Sectioning gestures:
Activate Sectioning mode in the Viewpoint panel (make sure Pan mode is still active)
1. Keep 1-finger touch anywhere on the screen in the Navisworks window 2. 1-finger slide over gizmo until arrow or plane turns yellow to select sectioning plan or direction
3. Keep 2-finger touch anywhere in window (no need to lift previous finger)
4. Move 1 finger along the direction of the selected arrow or plane to section