First Model B BIM Outdoor Digital Workstation for Implenia
First BIM Outdoor Digital Workstation Model B for Implenia in Zürich, Switzerland perform, helping them deploy BIM on construction sites. The large and bright 4K screen of the BIM Outdoor Digital Model B Workstation enable Foremen to access up-to-date information/drawings/3D models in particular using Autodesk’s software Navisworks, Revit, BIM 360 or Plangrid. Briefings happen at the heart of the site thanks to the ease of moving the BIM Outdoor Digital Model B Workstation, which reduces the number of trips to the main office that must be usually taken .

Covid-19 Briefing on site with Model B Outdoor Worstation
Our client British Rail uses our BIM Outdoor Touch Workstation Model B to perform their safety and Covid-19 briefings on their construction sites. The large and bright 4K screen of the BIM Outdoor Touch Model B Workstation allows the Foreman to present the instructions to the group while having them respect safe distancing. Briefings happen at the heart of the site thanks to the ease of moving the BIM Outdoor Touch Model B Workstation , which reduces the trips for journeymen, as well as interactions in an enclosed space where social distancing would be harder to maintain.
Model E horizontal Touch Table for Anatomy Training at PFRS
Thanks to AESIO’s support, PFRS (Pôle de Formation et Recherche en Santé) at University of Caen has set up a second Model E Horizontal touch table for anatomy training. The 3D anatomy training software enables interactive studying of the human body and improves on the quality of student education. Team of students can learn with a teacher around the Model E Horizontal touch table designed and made by itekube or can practive on their own. Find the article here (in French).

Model E Inclined Touch Table For Tourist Info
We have set up a Model E touch table at the Tourism Trade Show at Cap d’Agde in the south of France. Our partner IGO took advantage of the processing power and the 4K/UHD screen of our Model E Inclined touch table. They presented a very high definition 3D virtual visit of the Corrèze region.

A Model E Inclined 4K Touch Table at SIMI 2019
We have set up a Model E Inclined touch table on PDA Architecture’s booth at SIMI 2019 in Paris. For the second year in a row, they have picked the best interactive tool to showcase very high-quality 3D renderings. The 3D BIM models come from Autodesk’s Revit and can be also be shown in Autodesk’s Navisworks Manage/Simulate with our Touchconverter plugin. Autodesk’s Navisworks Freedom with our Touchconverter software or BIM360 can also be used.
Foremen will then use the models on construction sites on our Digital Outdoor BIM Workstations Model B. Our Model B workstations enable them to perform rigorous follow-up. They are saving many trips to the main office thanks to their 4G connectivity and the real time critical information updating it enables. Model B workstations therefore improve productivity and safety all along. They also prevent costly mistakes and overall allow for a very quick ROI.

First model E for ABB in North America
First setup for ABB who use a model E Inclined touch table to showcase their 3D models provided by our partner

A Model E Inclined Touch Table for Issy-Les-Moulineaux
A model E touch table to explore a 3D model of the city at the City Administrative Center of Issy-les-Moulineaux – in partnership with Vectuel.

A Model E Horizontal Touch Table for the Medical School in Caen
Set up of the first Model E – Horizontal touch table to help student explore anatomy in 1:1 scale at the Medical Training and Research Center of the Caen Normandy University. More economical than real dissection!

A Model E Inclined Touch Table at the Carlton Hotel in Cannes for MIPIM
A Model E – Inclined touch table set up in the Grace Kelly Suite at the Carlton in Cannes during MIPIM (and several others at the Palais des Festivals).

A Model R Touch Totem for Dassault Systemes
A Model R touch totem just set up in Dassault Systemes’ new 3D Experience Lab – powerful configuration with i7 + Nvidia 1080.

Serious Game Model E Inclined Touch Tables for Renault
6 Model E touch tables for Renault in Lisboa, Portugal, for a Serious Game created by @enodo to present the new Renault Master ZE Van and its associated services to journalists.
A Model E Inclined Touch Table on Renault’s Booth in Hannover
A Model E – Inclined touch table setup by Renault on their booth at the Hannover Messe for the new electric van presentation to professionals.

Strong Presence at the SIMI Trade Show in Paris
Several Model E and Model R touch tables and totem on various booths, featured here the Conseils Départementaux des Yvelines et des Hauts-de-Seine with a Model E connected to an external 4K screen and a 3D model by Vectuel.

Model E 3D Touch Table Modeling for SNCF
Internal présentation at SNCF in Saint Denis of the 3D model explaining the different phases of the Gare de Clamart construction site for the new Grand Paris train lines. Unity model coding by itekube for SNCF based on Revit-Autodesk on a Model E – Inclined touch table.
BPI France selects itekube for its Innovation Days
Big crowd for the BPI 2016 Innovation days at the AccorHotel Arena with a Model E – Inclined touch table as a Guest Star.

A Model E – Inclined Touch Table for BIM Bouygues Construction
A Model E Inclined touch table as BIM (Building Information Modeling) enabler to help visualize plans, models and other information in the construction business by Bouygues Constructions.

Presentation of the Bouygues project “The construction site in the digital age”
A Model E Inclined Touch Table with a Projector In Boulognes
Check out the Vectuel-made 3D model of the future Grand Paris facilities – on a Model E – Inclined touch table and a projector attached underneath to duplicate the content on a large screen behind it.
A Model E – Inclined Touch Table Driving a Screen Wall at MIPIM
The French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron payed a visit to our client Societe du Grand Paris at MIPIM in Cannes, where it was showing 3D models of their future facilities around Paris on a large video wall driven by a Model E – Inclined touch table.
Dual Model E – Inclined Touch Tables setup for 3DS in Hannover
Two Model E – Inclined touch tables with 55″ 4K capacitive multitouch screens at the Hannover Messe in the Usine 4.0 Hall on Dassault Systemes booth around Miele product design.

A Model E – Inclined Touch Table as a Car Configator for 3DExcite
Our new Model E – Inclined 55″ 4K touch table controls the back screen and the floor lighting while showing the different configuration options – with great renderings thanks to the 4K screen, for instance for leather interiors.